Friday, May 28, 2010

Yarn is like Tribbles. The skeins seem to reproduce exponentially, they tend to fall out of various compartments on one's head, and they demand to be petted from time to time.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dh (age 58) is the proud owner of two shiny, new, stainless steel stents, one each in two of the three arteries serving his heart (80% blockage in both). He's doing very well and seems motivated to change his eating habits and lifestyle to take advantage of his new lease on life. ( He had oatmeal for breakfast this morning, all on his own!)
I went to AZ last week to visit my dearest friend for her daughter's wedding. We went to her LYS and it was CLOSED ON MONDAY! It probably saved me a boatload of money though, even as sacrilegious as it was.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm just starting out here, so don't be surprised if my postings are few and far between. The main purpose of this site is to post knitting patterns of my own design, along with a few ruminations regarding my obsession with yarn, and the toys required to properly convert it into three dimensional objects, mostly wearables, in my case.